About Us
We offer tax accountancy services, consultation and other administration work for your business to deal with Inland Revenue Department, Companies office and Labor Department.
Company Formation to register your company as a Limited Company in New Zealand
GST Registration, Employer Registration and all other types of tax requirements
File your Income-tax returns, PAYE returns, GST Returns etc.
Data entering for cash book recording of all your income and expenses
Introduce easy bookkeeping systems for future records
Setup Xero accounting software for your business
Train you or your staff to work on new bookkeeping systems such as excel Xero or QuickBooks

A word from the founder
Running a small business often means you’ve got a limited budget to spend on essentials like tax accounting. So here’s the good news – with Pro Books Consultants you can enjoy big-business tax expertise for your small business – at a price every business can afford. Plus you’ll have the assurance of using qualified tax expertise – a skilled professional, bound by the NZ Tax System”.
“We bring a fresh perspective to accountancy, from staying on top of tax and compliance to providing accurate and timely information so you can make informed business decisions. If you want more insight into your business, then talk to us”